South African Children’s Cancer Study Group

Patients & Parents

Information for Parents

Childhood Cancer Foundation South Africa (CHOC)

CHOC Childhood Cancer Foundation is a country wide voluntary organisation. It brings together the parents of children who suffer from all varieties of cancer or life threatening blood disorders.

International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Organisations (ICCCPO)

ICCCPO was founded in May 1994 in Valencia, Spain. ICCCPO is a worldwide network of organisations of parents of children with cancer. The web site is intended to be a major resource for parent organisations, and individual parents, throughout the world. It brings together information about parent organisations around the world, and provides links to sites which contain information of value for parents and their families.


CANSA aims to detect cancer early in children and prevent cancer in adults.

Cupcakes of hope

Cupcakes of HOPE is a Non-Profit Company (NPC 2012/103028/08) and our aim is to raise awareness and funds for families in need of medical assistance, we do this through our love of baking cupcakes...

Gaby Gives Back (GGB)

This page is aimed at supporting parents of children that have had or have cancer and create awareness for childhood cancer

Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group - UK (CCLG)

If you are looking for resources to help families affected by cancer in children and young people then is a very useful place to start. The resources are aimed not just at parents of young people with cancer but at siblings, grandparents and other family members, indeed anyone with an interest in childhood cancer. The website is an off-shoot of the Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group's site a professional organisation and charity responsible for the organisation of the treatment and management of children with cancer in the UK.

National Cancer Institute – United States

Childhood Cancer Home Page

Click here for Young People with Cancer: A Handbook for Parents

Click here for Care for Children and Adolescents With Cancer: Questions and Answers